General introduction DBG DBG is a Dutch bio energy company, contributing to multiple sustainable development goals by transforming a specific type of industrial waste into green gas, organic fertilizer and liquid CO2. The green gas can be delivered as Bio-gas, Bio-methane or BioLNG. DBG constructs 5 plants, in the next 5 years. Every plant requires […]
Some reflections on Leadership following the Future Talks Mid-Summer Special 2021 In the run-up to the summer, a group of our C-level participants in our Future Talks calls gave answers to a number of questions about the possible consequences of the COVID-19 period for the leadership of organisations. They answered questions about the extent to […]
Complex times with intricate challenges require deliberate answers. Conscious leadership is increasingly important at the Board Level. ‘Wisdom in Business’ is no longer a ‘nice to have’ for leaders, but a prerequisite for the continued success of the organisation and for the involvement of people. Leadership with an eye for the importance of mental resilience […]
On Thursday 27 May, Consultive partners Annemarie de Bourbon de Parme, Frans Versteeg and Annemarie Beltman participating on the panel during a virtual breakfast session about ‘Mental Resilience in the Boardroom today’. An inspiring event, organised by the WomenCorporateDirectors Foundation NL. Board members, CEOs and Board Directors set the culture and values of a company, […]
CONSULTIVE – Executive Search is a member of the Panorama since 2020. Across all of our work, Panorama is dedicated to the highest performance standards, complemented by a commitment to diversity and inclusion that permeates our work. Consultive is a Dutch Leadership Services Boutique, specialised in Strategic Organisational Development & Executive Search. With a team […]
The major changes we are going through require a lot of leadership. The following topics are discussed in this theme: 1. The pallet of leadership activities and dealing with complexity 2. Preservation and further development of organizational culture 3. Connecting and interacting 4. Retaining and developing talent 5. Organizational learning 6. Monitoring during and after […]